Array of function pointers

Array of function pointer is nothing but an array whose elements are function pointers.

How to declare array of function pointer?
Below is an example declaration for array of function pointers.
int (*func[])(int, int);
Here, fun is an array of pointer to function (int, int) returning int

Example c program for array of function pointer

  #include <stdio.h>
  int add(int a, int b) {
        return (a + b);

  int sub(int a, int b) {
        return (a - b);

  int multiply(int a, int b) {
        return (a * b);

  int main() {
        int (*fun[3])(int, int); // array of function pointers
        int a = 20, b = 10, res;

        /* assigning references for function pointers */
        fun[0] = add;
        fun[1] = sub;
        fun[2] = multiply;

        /* calling add() */
        res = (*fun[0])(a, b);
        printf("Addition of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, res);

        /* calling sub() */
        res = (*fun[1])(a, b);
        printf("Difference b/w %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, res);

        /* calling multiply() */
        res = (*fun[2]) (a, b);
        printf("Product of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, res);
        return 0;

  jp@jp-VirtualBox:~/$ ./a.out
  Addition of 20 and 10 is 30
  Difference b/w 20 and 10 is 10
  Product of 20 and 10 is 200

Write a c program to pass an array of function pointers to another function

  #include <stdio.h>
  int add(int a, int b) {
        return (a + b);

  int sub(int a, int b) {
        return (a - b);

  int multiply(int a, int b) {
        return (a * b);

  void manipulate(int a, int b, int (*fun[3]) (int, int)) {
        int res;
        /* calling add() */
        res = (*fun[0])(a, b);
        printf("Addition of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, res);

        /* calling sub() */
        res = (*fun[1])(a, b);
        printf("Difference b/w %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, res);

        /* calling multiply() */
        res = (*fun[2]) (a, b);
        printf("Product of %d and %d is %d\n", a, b, res);

  int main() {
        int (*fun[3])(int, int);
        int a = 20, b = 10;

        /* assinging references for function pointers */
        fun[0] = add;
        fun[1] = sub;
        fun[2] = multiply;
        /* passing array of function pointers as argument */
        manipulate(a, b, fun);
        return 0;

  jp@jp-VirtualBox:~/$ ./a.out
  Addition of 20 and 10 is 30
  Difference b/w 20 and 10 is 10
  Product of 20 and 10 is 200


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